Happy 3 months, June Claire! Today you had a doctors appointment and we found out you're 6 pounds, 4 ounces, and last week you were about 20 inches long! You're getting so big!
I can't believe you are 3 months old already. You have adjusted to your new life in our home so well. You are a GREAT sleeper (knock on wood) for which I am very thankful, because your big sister is a terrible sleeper! You sleep for 4-5 hour stretches at night, going down around 10 and waking around 8:30. I love it!
You can roll front to side now, and just this past week we've noticed you're trying to start raising your head on your own. I get so tickled when I'm holding you and you start lifting your head and looking around!
We received a great blessing this week when we took you to the doctor yesterday and he declared your RoP is HEALED! Gone forevermore! You'll probably need glasses about 3 or 4 years old, but I think that's cute anyway. :)
I still cannot believe I have you at home with me. Life is so wonderful with you here, and we love you so very much. I am so happy God chose me to be your mama!
Oh MAN that little June is so stinkin' cute I could just cry!! I gave you a "blog award" in my latest blog post so come on over and check it out. I am so happy she is home and doing well, thank you for sharing your story with me and the rest of the blog world. You rock!
so happy that God has worked miracles for baby June! :)
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