Thursday, July 18, 2013

sweet cousin time

Warning: This post contains vomit of the picture variety
 .It also is overloaded with cuteness!
I've always heard that it takes a village to raise a child. I never fully understood what that menat until I got sick I November 2011. My girls were 19 months and 3 years then, and were splitting their time between different family members house. I'm so thankful they took the time to raise our children for us when we literally could not be there. While I'm healing from he transplant, we chose to send the girls to coastal Mississippi to stay with relatives who have a one-year-old daughter.
Not because there were no one closer to take care of them, or that we trusted.
Just because they have been able to build a life-long relationship with Gracelyn & her mama & daddy. Do ya'll remember how fun it used to be when you'd wait that whole summer for the one week you could go off to camp or to grandma & grandaddys house? That's how my girls have felt since we told therm where they were going.
And they love it.
Every single bit of it!
 Hiding in the fort
 Ain't no fun like some water time fun!
 Just a swagin'

When did she grow up?!

My very favorite. :)
Sara and June, mama misses you something terrible but I know you are having a load of fun!
 See you in a little while!

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