Friday, October 10, 2014

Week Recap - babies, broken bones, and....bone marow biopsies?

This week has been hectic! I can't believe it's already Friday.
As I said in my Menu Plan Monday post, my little sister went into labor Sunday morning and delivered sweet baby boy near midnight. Not the easiest labor, but God was faithful and they are enjoying their sweet Bradyn. :)

Monday I stayed sick all day. Don't know what was wrong with me. No fever, but my stomach hurt a lot and I could not get settled for anything. It was a miserable day!
Tuesday & Wednesday I stayed at my moms, helping with my cousin who fell and broke her leg about a week ago. She had surgery yesterday (came through fine). The girls got to play with their cousins & we just had a good time.
Thursday I had a check-up in the ATL and that took all day. I also had a bone marrow biopsy. Not fun - but we are praying for clear results!
Today was my first real day at home & I have been sore - but still got a lot done. Spent a lot of time with the girls and then a sweet friend brought us supper because she knew I would be sore. Adrienne - if you're reading this - THANK YOU! It was delicious!
(Sorry for the serious lack of pictures. I was too busy enjoying life!)

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